Chapter 4

Cluster Management

Kubernetes Management Tutorial

Step 1: Copy the Kubernetes Configuration File

To manage your Kubernetes cluster from your local machine, you need to copy the ~/.kube/config file from the Kubernetes control plane to your client machine. This file contains the necessary configurations to interact with your cluster.

On the Kubernetes Control Plane

  1. Locate the ~/.kube/config file: The configuration file is typically located in the ~/.kube/ directory on the Kubernetes control plane. You can verify its presence by running:

    ls ~/.kube/config
  2. Copy the file to your local machine:

    scp user@control-plane-ip:~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config

    Replace user with your username and control-plane-ip with the IP address of your Kubernetes control plane.

  3. On macOS/Linux Client

Open a terminal on your client machine and run the following command:

scp user@control-plane-ip:~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config

On Windows Client Use an SCP tool like WinSCP to copy the file. Alternatively, you can use PowerShell:

scp user@control-plane-ip:~/.kube/config $HOME\.kube\config

Ensure that scp is available on your Windows machine (e.g., by installing Git for Windows).

Step 2: Install Lens

Lens is a powerful, open-source Kubernetes IDE that simplifies cluster management.

Download and Install Lens

Download Lens: Go to the Lens website and download the appropriate installer for your operating system (macOS, Windows, or Linux).

Install Lens:

Follow the installation instructions for your specific OS.

Open Lens and Add Your Cluster:

  • Open Lens.
  • Click on “Add Cluster”.
  • Select “Custom” and provide the path to your config file (usually ~/.kube/config).

Step 3: Install VS Code and Kubernetes Tools Extension

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a versatile code editor with a rich ecosystem of extensions, including Kubernetes management tools.

Download and Install VS Code

  • Download VS Code: Go to the VS Code website and download the installer for your operating system.

  • Install VS Code: Follow the installation instructions for your specific OS.

  • Install Kubernetes Tools Extension Open VS Code.

  • Go to the Extensions View: Click on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window or press Ctrl+Shift+X.

  • Search for “Kubernetes”: Type “Kubernetes” in the search bar and install the “Kubernetes” extension by Microsoft.

By using GUI tools like Lens and Visual Studio Code with the Kubernetes Tools extension, you can greatly enhance your Kubernetes learning experience. These tools provide an intuitive interface for managing your cluster, making it easier to perform common tasks and understand the state of your applications.

Happy Kubernetes learning!


The following links are very important and are essential components for learning and using kubernetes clusters. Please be sure to learn and install them.